Prophetic guide to live healthy and burn fat

This program is design to help you lose fat and live a healthier life based on the teaching of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and modern science.

Step 1 – Download the file below, print and perform the 4 task which are:

  1. Measure your bodyweight (at least 2 times a week)
  2. In-body test or circumference measurement (once a month)
  3. Fitness test (before starting the program and at least after 3 months)
  4. Goal setting

Step 2 – Download the weekly planner below and choose at least 1 to 3 habits from each pillar.

1. Eat in moderation
2. Separate drinking from eating
3. Guide to drinking water
4. Eat fermented foods
5. Meat consumption
6. Fasting
7. Eat fruits and desserts before meal
8. Consume sunnah foods and drinks
Mind & Heart
1. Reliance on Allah (Tawakkul)
2. Gratitude (Shukr)
3. Patience (Sabr)
4. Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfar)
5. The healing power of forgiveness
6. Managing anger
1. Short nap (Qailulah)
2. Sleep the sunnah way
3. 10-15 minutes of morning sunlight
4. Limit caffein and sugar in the evening
5. Reduce exposure to screen before sleeping
1. Walking program
2. Running program
3. Bodyweight strength training (at home)
4. Strength training (dumbbell only)
5. Stretching

Step 3 – Stick your weekly habit tracker somewhere you are forced to see multiple times in a day and start tracking on daily basis.

Reference used to create this program

  1. How Modern Health Science is PROVING the Sunnah by Moodi Dennaoui
  2. Natural Health Series by Hakim Archuletta
  3. Prophetic Medicine, Sunnah Foods, and Eating For Your Body Type by Nutritionist Ilham Malick
  4. The Science Behind Muhammed’sﷺ Lifestyle & Healing with Dr. Saiyed Ahmad
  5. Prophetic Healing: How to Achieve Vibrant, Holistic Health Using the Best of Prophet Muhammad’s Guidance and Modern Science (Book)
  6. Al-Ghazali on the Manners Relating to Eating
  7. Pengalaman saya sebagai sebagai fitness dan nutrition coach